oh well Batt looks like he's going to cry so I should explain

    oh well Batt looks like he's going to cry so I should explain

    sadly Im too tired to redraw those but here they are - my reasons to breath

    sadly Im too tired to redraw those
but here they are - my reasons to breath
    sadly Im too tired to redraw those
but here they are - my reasons to breath

    My screen tablet's pen broke today so I guess going back to eh wacom..... so um uh old things

    My screen tablet's pen broke today so I guess going back to eh wacom.....
so um uh old things
    My screen tablet's pen broke today so I guess going back to eh wacom.....
so um uh old things
    My screen tablet's pen broke today so I guess going back to eh wacom.....
so um uh old things
    My screen tablet's pen broke today so I guess going back to eh wacom.....
so um uh old things

    also I have Batter but not Batter

    also I have Batter but not Batter
    also I have Batter but not Batter

    personal antistress sketches be like blep

    personal antistress sketches be like
    personal antistress sketches be like
    personal antistress sketches be like
    personal antistress sketches be like