Rå Valdemar@Fulsvamp

    2022 was a year

    2022 was a year
    2022 was a year
    2022 was a year
    2022 was a year
    Rå Valdemar@Fulsvamp

    uploading this one early since I'll be in the hospital during yule, Have a good one friends, thanks for sticking around!! 💖

    uploading this one early since I'll be in the hospital during yule, Have a good one friends, thanks for sticking around!! 💖
    Rå Valdemar@Fulsvamp

    My truesona desperately needed an update so here he is

    My truesona desperately needed an update so here he is
    Rå Valdemar@Fulsvamp

    poopy character lineups yeeeeeee I love clothes but I hate drawing them

    poopy character lineups yeeeeeee 
I love clothes but I hate drawing them
    poopy character lineups yeeeeeee 
I love clothes but I hate drawing them
    Rå Valdemar@Fulsvamp

    Knight of Hares

    Knight of Hares