Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    Even a Goodwitch has a mean streak. #RWBY Poor Comma: #2 Goodwitch Glynda-sensei~ ☺️

    Even a Goodwitch has a mean streak. 

#RWBY Poor Comma: #2 Goodwitch

Glynda-sensei~ ☺️
    Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    I didn't realize I hit 1500 tweets now and I don't have anything prepared so here's a repost of my blek bellabooty piece. Enjoy(?)

    I didn't realize I hit 1500 tweets now and I don't have anything prepared so here's a repost of my blek bellabooty piece. Enjoy(?)
    Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    My current mission is to make y'all love Glynda~

    My current mission is to make y'all love Glynda~
    Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    Mystery solved. I have no idea what this ship is called.

    Mystery solved. 

I have no idea what this ship is called.
    Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    I'm the greatest artist to ever live! I'm just plotting out stuff till I'm satisfied. I'll be going at it fanatically on the weekend. ?

    I'm the greatest artist to ever live!

I'm just plotting out stuff till I'm satisfied. I'll be going at it fanatically on the weekend. ?