Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    A retrospective from concept to finished product ft. "Sweet"!

    A retrospective from concept to finished product ft. "Sweet"!
    A retrospective from concept to finished product ft. "Sweet"!
    A retrospective from concept to finished product ft. "Sweet"!
    A retrospective from concept to finished product ft. "Sweet"!
    Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    Hands full with all the end of year festivities planning. I'll likely miss the xmas release but the grind goes on.

    Hands full with all the end of year festivities planning. I'll likely miss the xmas release but the grind goes on.
    Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    Tamaya! Finally got into the new year's vibe but we ain't done yet. #whiterose #wip

    Tamaya! Finally got into the new year's vibe but we ain't done yet.

#whiterose #wip
    Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    I lost a couple of watchers but I've managed to put something out for both Christmas and New Years so... half-glass full?

    I lost a couple of watchers but I've managed to put something out for both Christmas and New Years so... half-glass full?
    Gardavwar 🛡@Gardavwar

    In other news. Citrus is about to air in just moments, and I am hyped as a manga reader ?

    In other news. Citrus is about to air in just moments, and I am hyped as a manga reader ?