Crimson Sun@CrimblySun

    There's a lot of Ardyn thirsting on the TL today, mostly from @TIERCIEL... so here's a sketch I've had for ages but never posted. (I'm sorry Yuan... the rest are really not safe at all ? )

    There's a lot of Ardyn thirsting on the TL today, mostly from @TIERCIEL... so here's a sketch I've had for ages but never posted.
(I'm sorry Yuan... the rest are really not safe at all ? )
    Crimson Sun@CrimblySun

    'So embrace the darkness And I will help you see That you can be limitless And fearless If you follow me'

    'So embrace the darkness 
And I will help you see 
That you can be limitless 
And fearless 
If you follow me'
    Crimson Sun@CrimblySun

    My personal favourite work of 2018 was definitely the illustrations for the #FFVII Nibelheim Incident novella. All the pics can be viewed here - - and the album also contains a link to free downloads of the entire novella.

    My personal favourite work of 2018 was definitely the illustrations for the #FFVII Nibelheim Incident novella. All the pics can be viewed here - - and the album also contains a link to free downloads of the entire novella.
    Crimson Sun@CrimblySun

    36 cards done for the playing card deck, 18 to go. Can you recognise them all? Who's your favourite so far? Let me know! #FFXV #Kingsglaive

    36 cards done for the playing card deck, 18 to go. Can you recognise them all? Who's your favourite so far? Let me know!
#FFXV #Kingsglaive
    36 cards done for the playing card deck, 18 to go. Can you recognise them all? Who's your favourite so far? Let me know!
#FFXV #Kingsglaive
    Crimson Sun@CrimblySun

    All the remaining cards will be done in this style. I will not be taking questions

    All the remaining cards will be done in this style. I will not be taking questions