Crimson Sun@CrimblySun

    More incorrect #FFXV quotes (1/2)

    More incorrect #FFXV quotes (1/2)
    More incorrect #FFXV quotes (1/2)
    More incorrect #FFXV quotes (1/2)
    Crimson Sun@CrimblySun


    Crimson Sun@CrimblySun

    New con stock, finally - A5 prints! I've had nothing to offer my FF regulars at cons for ages. Next con is Melbourne Animaga later this month, and I'll bring some of these along to London Pomex too :)

    New con stock, finally - A5 prints! I've had nothing to offer my FF regulars at cons for ages. 
Next con is Melbourne Animaga later this month, and I'll bring some of these along to London Pomex too :)
    New con stock, finally - A5 prints! I've had nothing to offer my FF regulars at cons for ages. 
Next con is Melbourne Animaga later this month, and I'll bring some of these along to London Pomex too :)
    Crimson Sun@CrimblySun

    The boba challenge with Cor and Drautos - one of the many petty comps in a long series of petty comps btw the Crownsguards and Glaives.

    The boba challenge with Cor and Drautos - one of the many petty comps in a long series of petty comps btw the Crownsguards and Glaives.
    Crimson Sun@CrimblySun

    And now... the boba challenge part 2, starring Nyx, Gladio, and some foul play on the part of the Glaives (as is customary, tbh, in every one of these dumbass contests btw Crownsguard and Kingsglaive)-

    And now... the boba challenge part 2, starring Nyx, Gladio, and some foul play on the part of the Glaives (as is customary, tbh, in every one of these dumbass contests btw Crownsguard and Kingsglaive)-
    And now... the boba challenge part 2, starring Nyx, Gladio, and some foul play on the part of the Glaives (as is customary, tbh, in every one of these dumbass contests btw Crownsguard and Kingsglaive)-