[ JxS ]@Jigboi

    Tagged by @ssorobo Post 4 Female Characters that Mean the world to you and tag 5 Peeps to do the same @Newtype_Hero_ @dynasoar5 @LavalampGhost @simoncrips @DuckNPluck1

    Tagged by @ssorobo 

Post 4 Female Characters that 
Mean the world to you and tag 5
Peeps to do the same 

@Newtype_Hero_ @dynasoar5 @LavalampGhost
@simoncrips @DuckNPluck1
    Tagged by @ssorobo 

Post 4 Female Characters that 
Mean the world to you and tag 5
Peeps to do the same 

@Newtype_Hero_ @dynasoar5 @LavalampGhost
@simoncrips @DuckNPluck1
    Tagged by @ssorobo 

Post 4 Female Characters that 
Mean the world to you and tag 5
Peeps to do the same 

@Newtype_Hero_ @dynasoar5 @LavalampGhost
@simoncrips @DuckNPluck1
    Tagged by @ssorobo 

Post 4 Female Characters that 
Mean the world to you and tag 5
Peeps to do the same 

@Newtype_Hero_ @dynasoar5 @LavalampGhost
@simoncrips @DuckNPluck1
    [ JxS ]@Jigboi

    @Infinityjoe_art Thanks was trying to go for a john Byrne design on her

    @Infinityjoe_art Thanks was trying to go for a john Byrne design on her
    @Infinityjoe_art Thanks was trying to go for a john Byrne design on her
    @Infinityjoe_art Thanks was trying to go for a john Byrne design on her
    @Infinityjoe_art Thanks was trying to go for a john Byrne design on her
    [ JxS ]@Jigboi

    What i also like about the design is that its drawn by one of my favorite artist Edmiguness

    What i also like about the design is that its drawn by one 
of my favorite artist Edmiguness
    What i also like about the design is that its drawn by one 
of my favorite artist Edmiguness
    What i also like about the design is that its drawn by one 
of my favorite artist Edmiguness
    What i also like about the design is that its drawn by one 
of my favorite artist Edmiguness
    [ JxS ]@Jigboi

    [ JxS ]@Jigboi

    Lets give it a try

    Lets give it a try