Commissioned by Anonymous. Party Popper character design by @FrostLock63.

    Commissioned by Anonymous.

Party Popper character design by @FrostLock63.
    Commissioned by Anonymous.

Party Popper character design by @FrostLock63.



    Bringing this oldie from 2019 back once again. at some point I should probably redraw this with the updated character designs. Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

    Bringing this oldie from 2019 back once again. at some point I should probably redraw this with the updated character designs.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

    How much does Jon make in a year from his cartooning jobs? He's able to afford a house, not to mention own a dog and a cat who eats massive amounts of Italian cuisine. None of that comes cheap!

    How much does Jon make in a year from his cartooning jobs? He's able to afford a house, not to mention own a dog and a cat who eats massive amounts of Italian cuisine. None of that comes cheap!

    The Second of the K0-F* D0nation Stream Sketch Collages. Not as many this week as the first one, but still a nice collection of fun sketches. Thanks to everyone who tuned in and d0nated.

    The Second of the K0-F* D0nation Stream Sketch Collages.

Not as many this week as the first one, but still a nice collection of fun sketches.

Thanks to everyone who tuned in and d0nated.