Rob Renzetti@RobRenzetti

    Black Friday is Clean the Filthy House Friday at our abode

    Black Friday is Clean the Filthy House Friday at our abode
    Rob Renzetti@RobRenzetti

    Feeling out of sorts today

    Feeling out of sorts today
    Rob Renzetti@RobRenzetti

    Everybody's in a Happy-Go-Lucky mood this Friday, right? Right? ?

    Everybody's in a Happy-Go-Lucky mood this Friday, right? Right? ?
    Rob Renzetti@RobRenzetti

    All the #KidCosmic love that's been pouring out has really boosted my self image.

    All the #KidCosmic love that's been pouring out has really boosted my self image.
    Rob Renzetti@RobRenzetti

    This design is a direct reference to the famous painting of Venus by Botticelli. (See Dad - that "useless" art history degree paid off after all!)

    This design is a direct reference to the famous painting of Venus by Botticelli. (See Dad - that "useless" art history degree paid off after all!)
    This design is a direct reference to the famous painting of Venus by Botticelli. (See Dad - that "useless" art history degree paid off after all!)

