🍌 jett 🍌@bananajett

    suuuper rough sketch of trevor, from the castlevania series i had a fan art itch to scratch and i didnt really have time and need to be asleep, so i didnt look up any references :'o but i should clean it up later!

    suuuper rough sketch of trevor, from the castlevania series

i had a fan art itch to scratch and i didnt really have time and need to be asleep, so i didnt look up any references :'o but i should clean it up later!
    🍌 jett 🍌@bananajett

    #sameartist 🍌

    #sameartist 🍌
    #sameartist 🍌
    #sameartist 🍌
    🍌 jett 🍌@bananajett

    i found these doodles i made a year or two ago wild

    i found these doodles i made a year or two ago
    i found these doodles i made a year or two ago
    🍌 jett 🍌@bananajett

    @100Cultho ah just this

    @100Cultho ah just this
    🍌 jett 🍌@bananajett

    flying swamp lizard wip ehehe but, howmst does one draw a reptile....? maybe dont design a character as you animate it👍

    flying swamp lizard wip ehehe
but, howmst does one draw a reptile....?

maybe dont design a character as you animate it👍