🍌 jett 🍌@bananajett

    lol this one was my first attempt, and then mabel i was soo off lmao

    lol this one was my first attempt, and then mabel
i was soo off lmao
    lol this one was my first attempt, and then mabel
i was soo off lmao
    🍌 jett 🍌@bananajett

    🍌 jett 🍌@bananajett

    i was explaining this one character design i saw in yugioh, and likewise could not remember clearly enough, but i got the message across lolol

    i was explaining this one character design i saw in yugioh, and likewise could not remember clearly enough, but i got the message across lolol
    i was explaining this one character design i saw in yugioh, and likewise could not remember clearly enough, but i got the message across lolol
    i was explaining this one character design i saw in yugioh, and likewise could not remember clearly enough, but i got the message across lolol