Not done but I'm doing a tessellation for class and I like how my little firefighter looks lol (she's...causing the fire??)

    Not done but I'm doing a tessellation for class and I like how my little firefighter looks lol (she's...causing the fire??)

    2 more. the joke to both of these are that luna is blind yes i am so original

    2 more. the joke to both of these are that luna is blind yes i am so original
    2 more. the joke to both of these are that luna is blind yes i am so original

    Minseok....was mvp of his team but was forced off when it was revealed he was too young to participate in competitions ?‍♂️ he now streams LMAO. Amna is...a train expert....and is very obsessive over time. Gotta arrive on time!

    Minseok....was mvp of his team but was forced off when it was revealed he was too young to participate in competitions ?‍♂️ he now streams LMAO. Amna is...a train expert....and is very obsessive over time. Gotta arrive on time!
    Minseok....was mvp of his team but was forced off when it was revealed he was too young to participate in competitions ?‍♂️ he now streams LMAO. Amna is...a train expert....and is very obsessive over time. Gotta arrive on time!

    wip... i cant lie i made up their outfits as i went LMAO

    wip... i cant lie i made up their outfits as i went LMAO

    the ways it was literally so hard to find actual photos of the comic LMAO....I would borrow these books from the library over and over because I loved the art style and just theyre CLOTHES? i still love the fits+all of nola's hairstyles

    the ways it was literally so hard to find actual photos of the comic LMAO....I would borrow these books from the library over and over because I loved the art style and just theyre CLOTHES? i still love the fits+all of nola's hairstyles
    the ways it was literally so hard to find actual photos of the comic LMAO....I would borrow these books from the library over and over because I loved the art style and just theyre CLOTHES? i still love the fits+all of nola's hairstyles
    the ways it was literally so hard to find actual photos of the comic LMAO....I would borrow these books from the library over and over because I loved the art style and just theyre CLOTHES? i still love the fits+all of nola's hairstyles
    the ways it was literally so hard to find actual photos of the comic LMAO....I would borrow these books from the library over and over because I loved the art style and just theyre CLOTHES? i still love the fits+all of nola's hairstyles