good news i managed to write a first timeline for these two dorks. I am kinda hype about this because its the first time i felt so determined to finish something.

    good news i managed to write a first timeline for these two dorks. I am kinda hype about this because its the first time i felt so determined to finish something.
    good news i managed to write a first timeline for these two dorks. I am kinda hype about this because its the first time i felt so determined to finish something.

    progress 👁

    progress 👁

    is a demi

    is a demi

    Drop your B&W art any medium :)

    Drop your B&W art any medium :)
    Drop your B&W art any medium :)
    Drop your B&W art any medium :)
    Drop your B&W art any medium :)

    17. my oldest and youngest OCs mmh... oldest gotta be Quill&Colo given the fact that they are a deity as old as time itself. youngest gotta be Vuiee. she is around 20 surprisingly i havent designed any underage OCs 🤔

    17. my oldest and youngest OCs mmh... 

oldest gotta be Quill&Colo given the fact that they are a deity as old as time itself. 

youngest gotta be Vuiee. she is around 20 

surprisingly i havent designed any underage OCs 🤔
    17. my oldest and youngest OCs mmh... 

oldest gotta be Quill&Colo given the fact that they are a deity as old as time itself. 

youngest gotta be Vuiee. she is around 20 

surprisingly i havent designed any underage OCs 🤔