@tabletorgy One constant: titty

    @tabletorgy One constant: titty

    It'll be phone sketches but let's gooo I'm bored

    It'll be phone sketches but let's gooo I'm bored

    @Digi_Gator Some things are irreplaceable ? #dmc5

    @Digi_Gator Some things are irreplaceable ? #dmc5

    yeah now that I think about it... Miles Edgeworth IS a millennial isn't he... #aceattorney

    yeah now that I think about it... Miles Edgeworth IS a millennial isn't he... 

    @BenNiteShymalan "I don't need your help with this!" <<Two hours later>> "There's too many wires I don't know what's going on" (The number of wires was 3) I'm too lazy to put it on the meme but

    @BenNiteShymalan "I don't need your help with this!"
<<Two hours later>>
"There's too many wires I don't know what's going on"
(The number of wires was 3)
I'm too lazy to put it on the meme but