alivia h.@slugspoon

    showing my friend a video

    showing my friend a video
    showing my friend a video
    showing my friend a video
    showing my friend a video
    alivia h.@slugspoon

    today is the day! my store reopens for the year at 12pm PST; new stickers, prints, apparel and more! 🌰 🐇

    today is the day! my store reopens for the year at 12pm PST; new stickers, prints, apparel and more!

🌰 🐇
    today is the day! my store reopens for the year at 12pm PST; new stickers, prints, apparel and more!

🌰 🐇
    today is the day! my store reopens for the year at 12pm PST; new stickers, prints, apparel and more!

🌰 🐇
    today is the day! my store reopens for the year at 12pm PST; new stickers, prints, apparel and more!

🌰 🐇
    alivia h.@slugspoon

    homie sleepover sticker & print 🛏️ 💤

    homie sleepover sticker & print

🛏️ 💤
    homie sleepover sticker & print

🛏️ 💤
    alivia h.@slugspoon

    a lil comic about a new mannerism of mine i had no idea about until now ft. jane koto & ren :o)

    a lil comic about a new mannerism of mine i had no idea about until now ft. jane koto & ren :o)
    a lil comic about a new mannerism of mine i had no idea about until now ft. jane koto & ren :o)
    a lil comic about a new mannerism of mine i had no idea about until now ft. jane koto & ren :o)
    a lil comic about a new mannerism of mine i had no idea about until now ft. jane koto & ren :o)
    alivia h.@slugspoon

    met one of my new neighbors in our laundry area the other day

    met one of my new neighbors in our laundry area the other day
    met one of my new neighbors in our laundry area the other day
    met one of my new neighbors in our laundry area the other day
    met one of my new neighbors in our laundry area the other day