angel 💀@sabattons

    I would die for these two elves

    I would die for these two elves
    I would die for these two elves
    angel 💀@sabattons

    another wip of this thing. it's coming along nicely ?

    another wip of this thing. it's coming along nicely ?
    angel 💀@sabattons

    my pin for hallowed hunt is unlocked and available for pre-order today, but don't forget to check out the stretch goals ? >

    my pin for hallowed hunt is unlocked and available for pre-order today, but don't forget to check out the stretch goals ?

    angel 💀@sabattons

    do you ever just make some nonsense in the middle of a piece you're working on for the laughs

    do you ever just make some nonsense in the middle of a piece you're working on for the laughs
    angel 💀@sabattons

    I just really wanted to bring attention to this fun little scene. I love imagining folk illustrations in fantasy and how they'd reflect the people!

    I just really wanted to bring attention to this fun little scene. I love imagining folk illustrations in fantasy and how they'd reflect the people!

