SAMURAITASTIC! 💖@samuraitastic

    God, seeing Sasha throw out food THAT AIN'T EVEN HIS in the house he's living in THAT AIN'T EVEN HIS had me yelling at the TV. (Though I've been yelling at the TV because Tania - but that's a given.) #90DayFiance

    God, seeing Sasha throw out food THAT AIN'T EVEN HIS in the house he's living in THAT AIN'T EVEN HIS had me yelling at the TV. (Though I've been yelling at the TV because Tania - but that's a given.) #90DayFiance
    SAMURAITASTIC! 💖@samuraitastic

    Alrighty - finally talking about the decade. This will be the only time I talk about it though, lol:

    Alrighty - finally talking about the decade. This will be the only time I talk about it though, lol:
    SAMURAITASTIC! 💖@samuraitastic

    @MESIAS_ROCKET "samuraitrain" but for real for real, thank you! ;v;

    @MESIAS_ROCKET "samuraitrain"
but for real for real, thank you! ;v;
    SAMURAITASTIC! 💖@samuraitastic

    Oh, the advert buffer ran out. (And I gotta make more, whoops.) #glasshearts updated today, lol -

    Oh, the advert buffer ran out. (And I gotta make more, whoops.)
#glasshearts updated today, lol -
    SAMURAITASTIC! 💖@samuraitastic

    Listening to the Palette release and aha...the CuteP...the UzukiP (and Pink Check School, by proxy) that I am, I am crying for no reason listening to the M@STER version.

    Listening to the Palette release and aha...the CuteP...the UzukiP (and Pink Check School, by proxy) that I am, I am crying for no reason listening to the M@STER version.

