My battle with self harm began around a year ago. I'd hit my head against things when I'd dissociate, which would eventually bring me out of it, but now things are worse. My battle has been much more difficult lately, but I'm still fighting. I'm fighting every single day.

    My battle with self harm began around a year ago.  I'd hit my head against things when I'd dissociate, which would eventually bring me out of it, but now things are worse.  My battle has been much more difficult lately, but I'm still fighting.  I'm fighting every single day.
    My battle with self harm began around a year ago.  I'd hit my head against things when I'd dissociate, which would eventually bring me out of it, but now things are worse.  My battle has been much more difficult lately, but I'm still fighting.  I'm fighting every single day.

    I for one think this would make a great print

    I for one think this would make a great print

    My SI journey continues. S/O to my cat, who accidentally enabled my stupid brain.

    My SI journey continues.  S/O to my cat, who accidentally enabled my stupid brain.

    This is Konstantin Hook, he's 12 years old, he's very serious, and he has weird 90s hair despite it being 1977.

    This is Konstantin Hook, he's 12 years old, he's very serious, and he has weird 90s hair despite it being 1977.


