brushy K.B.@brushykb

    brushy K.B.@brushykb

    hey did u know I have an instagram where you can see most of the art I post here but without any tweets about baseball or planet zoo? it's brushy.kb :)

    hey did u know I have an instagram where you can see most of the art I post here but without any tweets about baseball or planet zoo?

it's brushy.kb :)
    brushy K.B.@brushykb

    is this an uchi thing to say I think it is

    is this an uchi thing to say I think it is
    brushy K.B.@brushykb

    the original inks were not so good lol, I got too excited to line and didn't rly get the perspective like I wanted '-' exposing myself as lazy

    the original inks were not so good lol, I got too excited to line and didn't rly get the perspective like I wanted '-' exposing myself as lazy
    brushy K.B.@brushykb

    nib practice. have to learn to not mysteriously get ink all over my hands

    nib practice. have to learn to not mysteriously get ink all over my hands
    nib practice. have to learn to not mysteriously get ink all over my hands