Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    I drew a lot of kittns to play around for today's inktober ....... I picked the star instead of the flaming skull, and I wonder if I've made a mistake lol

    I drew a lot of kittns to play around for today's inktober 
....... I picked the star instead of the flaming skull, and I wonder if I've made a mistake lol
    I drew a lot of kittns to play around for today's inktober 
....... I picked the star instead of the flaming skull, and I wonder if I've made a mistake lol
    Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    ... I'm digging those cats xD They are so fun to draw bc they are 90% scribble

    ... I'm digging those cats xD 
They are so fun to draw bc they are 90% scribble
    Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    Oof I moved in with my mom for the next months... mood after day 2 I need more me time and privacy pls ahhhhhhh #dailysketch

    Oof I moved in with my mom for the next months... mood after day 2 

I need more me time and privacy pls ahhhhhhh
    Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    Uuuhrg. Trying something that I wanna bring to the portfolio critique on friday.... here's a lot of (crappy) progress shots that don't really show much progress Can't get the face right ;-;

    Uuuhrg. Trying something that I wanna bring to the portfolio critique on friday.... here's a lot of (crappy) progress shots that don't really show much progress 

Can't get the face right ;-;
    Uuuhrg. Trying something that I wanna bring to the portfolio critique on friday.... here's a lot of (crappy) progress shots that don't really show much progress 

Can't get the face right ;-;
    Uuuhrg. Trying something that I wanna bring to the portfolio critique on friday.... here's a lot of (crappy) progress shots that don't really show much progress 

Can't get the face right ;-;
    Uuuhrg. Trying something that I wanna bring to the portfolio critique on friday.... here's a lot of (crappy) progress shots that don't really show much progress 

Can't get the face right ;-;
    Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    Collin was supposed to be grumpy. But the more I draw him the sassier he becomes Does that count as character development? lel

    Collin was supposed to be grumpy.
But the more I draw him the sassier he becomes 

Does that count as character development? lel
    Collin was supposed to be grumpy.
But the more I draw him the sassier he becomes 

Does that count as character development? lel
    Collin was supposed to be grumpy.
But the more I draw him the sassier he becomes 

Does that count as character development? lel