Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    priorities :)

    priorities :)
    Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    I got asked that question so many times, I really wondered if I was doing something wrong lol

    I got asked that question so many times, I really wondered if I was doing something wrong lol
    Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    it's really enlightening to know, that in the end, even at a subconscious level, I still manage to be a massive nerd :') and I think my explanation did not lessen their confusion in the least... and mightve still been in english woops

    it's really enlightening to know, that in the end, even at a subconscious level, I still manage to be a massive nerd  :') 

and I think my explanation did not lessen their confusion in the least... and mightve still been in english woops
    Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    aand I'm back home! thanks for indulging me the last few days :D

    aand I'm back home! 
thanks for indulging me the last few days :D
    Yulek's Art@YulekBagel

    I've been going to a lot more galleries and museums lately, you can almost completely avoid people and it gives some great opportunities for sketching :3

    I've been going to a lot more galleries and museums lately, you can almost completely avoid people and it gives some great opportunities for sketching :3