sketches of my commander and his very normal family #gw2

    sketches of my commander and his very normal family #gw2
    sketches of my commander and his very normal family #gw2

    another time, another life my durge used to be a very different person before things went downhill for him. he even had two working eyes! #BG3 #BaldursGate3

    another time, another life

my durge used to be a very different person before things went downhill for him. he even had two working eyes! 
#BG3  #BaldursGate3
    another time, another life

my durge used to be a very different person before things went downhill for him. he even had two working eyes! 
#BG3  #BaldursGate3

    broadened my style(s) this year! #artvsartist2023

    broadened my style(s) this year! 

    recent sketchbook pages with a limited color palette

    recent sketchbook pages with a limited color palette
    recent sketchbook pages with a limited color palette

    life expenses are kicking my ass and i got another bigger than expected bill approaching my wallet at a high speed, so i'm offering these special painted sketch portraits. i can do ttrpg/mmo/other game characters, monsters, ocs, etc. ask! 5 slots for now dm or email to claim!

    life expenses are kicking my ass and i got another bigger than expected bill approaching my wallet at a high speed, so i'm offering these special painted sketch portraits. 
i can do ttrpg/mmo/other game characters, monsters, ocs, etc. ask!

5 slots for now 
dm or email to claim!