my boy Cecil-Lovell Sorokin (gnoll cleric of sune and all around sweet yeen), in a bunch o' neat fits y'all suggested forever ago ✨?!! #dnd

    my boy Cecil-Lovell Sorokin (gnoll cleric of sune and all around sweet yeen), in a bunch o' neat fits y'all suggested forever ago ✨?!! 


    cecil individual outfits (2/4) 2nd category is: BOW-njour >;vc a lil bit of she ra cosplay, n somethin a lil napoleonic- what's not to love #dnd

    cecil individual outfits (2/4)

2nd category is: BOW-njour >;vc  a lil bit of she ra cosplay, n somethin a lil napoleonic- what's not to love

    cecil individual outfits (2/4)

2nd category is: BOW-njour >;vc  a lil bit of she ra cosplay, n somethin a lil napoleonic- what's not to love


    //nudity doodling up a new #dnd character for a potential future campaign >:vc I'm still working out what they look like but here's what i got so far-- bellamy's a satyr & she's probs gonna be either a drunken master monk, divine soul sorcerer or a combo of both✨ (she/they)


doodling up a new #dnd character for a potential future campaign >:vc I'm still working out what they look like but here's what i got so far-- 

bellamy's a satyr & she's probs gonna be either a drunken master monk, divine soul sorcerer or a combo of both✨


    8 beautiful OCs brought to you by my Very Wobbly non-dominant hand & some messy colours ?✨

    8 beautiful OCs brought to you by my Very Wobbly non-dominant hand & some messy colours ?✨

    OO this challenge also seems fun;; give me four genres and I'll design a character for each! #4for4 (template by @eldritchsmite ! )

    OO this challenge also seems fun;; give me four genres and I'll design a character for each! #4for4

(template by @eldritchsmite ! )

