// nudity went to a life drawing session for the first time in like,,, more than a year? a little while ago and it was so fun :vc ((done in ballpoint pen))

    // nudity

went to a life drawing session for the first time in like,,, more than a year? a little while ago and it was so fun :vc 

((done in ballpoint pen))
    // nudity

went to a life drawing session for the first time in like,,, more than a year? a little while ago and it was so fun :vc 

((done in ballpoint pen))
    // nudity

went to a life drawing session for the first time in like,,, more than a year? a little while ago and it was so fun :vc 

((done in ballpoint pen))

    🌿💕🌊 (commission for my mum as a gift for dad on valentine's day ^^ )


(commission for my mum as a gift for dad on valentine's day ^^ )

    tosses coincidence sketches bc my laptop is still being fixed and I must draw my blorbo to Cope ᕙ( T v T;;)ᕗ (ft. scruffy travel vibes, bad ending vampire spawn vibes, and funky outfit + chibi vibes) #dnd #CoS

    tosses coincidence sketches bc my laptop is still being fixed and I must draw my blorbo to Cope 
ᕙ( T v T;;)ᕗ 

(ft. scruffy travel vibes, bad ending vampire spawn vibes, and funky outfit + chibi vibes)

#dnd #CoS
    tosses coincidence sketches bc my laptop is still being fixed and I must draw my blorbo to Cope 
ᕙ( T v T;;)ᕗ 

(ft. scruffy travel vibes, bad ending vampire spawn vibes, and funky outfit + chibi vibes)

#dnd #CoS
    tosses coincidence sketches bc my laptop is still being fixed and I must draw my blorbo to Cope 
ᕙ( T v T;;)ᕗ 

(ft. scruffy travel vibes, bad ending vampire spawn vibes, and funky outfit + chibi vibes)

#dnd #CoS

    more stormkings stuff :> just some luka doodles bc i love himb... #dnd #skt

    more stormkings stuff :> just some luka doodles bc i love himb...

#dnd #skt

    Coincidence has been charmed by their "good buddy" Strahd like, 3 times now;; most recently, he pulled some sappy romance novel stuff then cast 9th level Geas on them to steal from the party ಠ,_ಠ ((ie. coincidence needs better luck on their dang wisdom saves akdjg)) #dnd #cos

    Coincidence has been charmed by their "good buddy" Strahd like, 3 times now;; most recently, he pulled some sappy romance novel stuff then cast 9th level Geas on them to steal from the party ಠ,_ಠ 

((ie. coincidence needs better luck on their dang wisdom saves akdjg))

#dnd #cos
    Coincidence has been charmed by their "good buddy" Strahd like, 3 times now;; most recently, he pulled some sappy romance novel stuff then cast 9th level Geas on them to steal from the party ಠ,_ಠ 

((ie. coincidence needs better luck on their dang wisdom saves akdjg))

#dnd #cos
    Coincidence has been charmed by their "good buddy" Strahd like, 3 times now;; most recently, he pulled some sappy romance novel stuff then cast 9th level Geas on them to steal from the party ಠ,_ಠ 

((ie. coincidence needs better luck on their dang wisdom saves akdjg))

#dnd #cos


