Mathias Zamęcki 🌱@MathiasZamecki

    Draw Through Shape -Animation screencaps are great to study, but imho storyboards are better because of the nature of their crudeness. -we can see some of the "scaffolding" of the drawing and thinking process that evaporates in the inking process of 2d animation production

    Draw Through Shape
-Animation screencaps are great to study, but imho storyboards are better because of the nature of their crudeness.
-we can see some of the "scaffolding" of the drawing and thinking process that evaporates in the inking process of 2d animation production
    Mathias Zamęcki 🌱@MathiasZamecki

    Same Shape - we are all simple creatures and one can spend whole life trying to learn anatomy and different muscle groups. - but for some, what is important is the story so simplification and shortcuts like this are vital for speed and efficiency

    Same Shape
- we are all simple creatures and one can spend whole life trying to learn anatomy and different muscle groups.
- but for some, what is important is the story so simplification and shortcuts like this are vital for speed and efficiency
    Mathias Zamęcki 🌱@MathiasZamecki

    Open Close Pose - those are vital poses for storyboarding to showing the acting of the character - contrast between open a close poses creates visual interest.

    Open Close Pose
- those are vital poses for storyboarding to showing the acting of the character
- contrast between open a close poses creates visual interest.
    Mathias Zamęcki 🌱@MathiasZamecki

    Flipping the Masses -sometimes there is no place for extreme acting. -but we still can add some interest by shifting the weight of parts in this case head and torso tilt. -also twisting figures is another way to add dimensionality to your drawing!

    Flipping the Masses
-sometimes there is no place for extreme acting.
-but we still can add some interest by shifting the weight of parts in this case head and torso tilt.
-also twisting figures is another way to add dimensionality to your drawing!
    Mathias Zamęcki 🌱@MathiasZamecki

    @radsechrist this one is my favourite <3

    @radsechrist this one is my favourite <3

