The full Canvas version of Realta is up on my Patreon! It's all in one master post and organized documents so you can read it easily to relive the memories ✨

    The full Canvas version of Realta is up on my Patreon! It's all in one master post and organized documents so you can read it easily to relive the memories ✨

    Elowen if they were in other webtoon universes ✨ #webtoonmultiverse

    Elowen if they were in other webtoon universes ✨ #webtoonmultiverse

    Realta episode 5 comes out tonight! Time to meet daddy- I mean daddy, sorry-

    Realta episode 5 comes out tonight! Time to meet daddy- I mean daddy, sorry-

    The comic / the comments

    The comic / the comments
    The comic / the comments

    Easter eggs in Realta - Episode 6: a 🧵 1: Korrasami

    Easter eggs in Realta - Episode 6: a 🧵

1: Korrasami