Here's a little personal page from my sketchbook. I just needed to take a minute to celebrate & cherish an intimate moment and also just appreciate my tender gay life. Feeling lucky & appreciative. ??

    Here's a little personal page from my sketchbook. I just needed to take a minute to celebrate & cherish an intimate moment and also just appreciate my tender gay life. Feeling lucky & appreciative. ??

    Big boobies on the playground!!!! A kid conversation I overheard at work

    Big boobies on the playground!!!! 
A kid conversation I overheard at work

    #PortfoIioDay I'm Ashley Robin Franklin! I'm a queer cartoonist & illustrator based in Austin, Texas. I love drawing mushrooms, cute queers, spooky things, & loads of other stuff! Email to work with me! ??✏️

    #PortfoIioDay I'm Ashley Robin Franklin! I'm a queer cartoonist & illustrator based in Austin, Texas. I love drawing mushrooms, cute queers, spooky things, & loads of other stuff! Email to work with me! ??✏️
    #PortfoIioDay I'm Ashley Robin Franklin! I'm a queer cartoonist & illustrator based in Austin, Texas. I love drawing mushrooms, cute queers, spooky things, & loads of other stuff! Email to work with me! ??✏️
    #PortfoIioDay I'm Ashley Robin Franklin! I'm a queer cartoonist & illustrator based in Austin, Texas. I love drawing mushrooms, cute queers, spooky things, & loads of other stuff! Email to work with me! ??✏️
    #PortfoIioDay I'm Ashley Robin Franklin! I'm a queer cartoonist & illustrator based in Austin, Texas. I love drawing mushrooms, cute queers, spooky things, & loads of other stuff! Email to work with me! ??✏️

    A reminder to close your old tabs! Especially reference tabs with nudity!!! I've never slammed my phone down so quickly before.

    A reminder to close your old tabs! Especially reference tabs with nudity!!! I've never slammed my phone down so quickly before.

    Drew a comic in my car! I'm trying to get back into drawing quick journal comics.

    Drew a comic in my car! I'm trying to get back into drawing quick journal comics.