七四 Debbie✎@SHSL_Debbie

    boneless man

    boneless man
    boneless man
    七四 Debbie✎@SHSL_Debbie

    aside from muscular characters, didn't really focus too much on this study since it didn't have much use for me atm🤔 //also if it's not obvious, these aren't meant to be guides, just studies I'm doing and some parts are very bad/wrong xD

    aside from muscular characters, didn't really focus too much on this study since it didn't have much use for me atm🤔 //also if it's not obvious, these aren't meant to be guides, just studies I'm doing and some parts are very bad/wrong xD
    七四 Debbie✎@SHSL_Debbie

    unsure of the big weapon design atm

    unsure of the big weapon design atm
    七四 Debbie✎@SHSL_Debbie

    guess at this point I'm done with these not saying I've magically mastered anatomy but certainly learned a lot from these short studies alrighty then✍️

    guess at this point I'm done with these not saying I've magically mastered anatomy but certainly learned a lot from these short studies alrighty then✍️
    七四 Debbie✎@SHSL_Debbie

    idw draw anymore echg

    idw draw anymore echg