
    Maiden in Black. The secret ending boss👀

    Maiden in Black. The secret ending boss👀
    Maiden in Black. The secret ending boss👀
    Maiden in Black. The secret ending boss👀

    Within the Undead Crypt, Velstadt and his armor, originally imbued with the power of miracles, was soaked with the Dark. And there he remained . #darksouls #darksouls2 #soulstober #soulstober2021

    Within the Undead Crypt, Velstadt and his armor, originally imbued with the power of miracles, was soaked with the Dark. And there he remained
 #darksouls #darksouls2  #soulstober #soulstober2021
    Within the Undead Crypt, Velstadt and his armor, originally imbued with the power of miracles, was soaked with the Dark. And there he remained
 #darksouls #darksouls2  #soulstober #soulstober2021
    Within the Undead Crypt, Velstadt and his armor, originally imbued with the power of miracles, was soaked with the Dark. And there he remained
 #darksouls #darksouls2  #soulstober #soulstober2021

    Seath allied with Lord Gwyn and turned upon the dragons. He despised their immortality but the pursuit of which drove him insane . #Soulstober2021 #Soulstober

    Seath allied with Lord Gwyn and turned upon the dragons. He despised their immortality but the pursuit of which drove him insane
#Soulstober2021 #Soulstober
    Seath allied with Lord Gwyn and turned upon the dragons. He despised their immortality but the pursuit of which drove him insane
#Soulstober2021 #Soulstober
    Seath allied with Lord Gwyn and turned upon the dragons. He despised their immortality but the pursuit of which drove him insane
#Soulstober2021 #Soulstober

    Sir Alonne came to this land from the east, chose to serve an unestablished lord, and helped him become the Old Iron King. Then, at the very peak of his sire's rule, Sir Alonne set out again, in search of land yet unknown . Toughest piece from this Soulstober yet

    Sir Alonne came to this land from the east, chose to serve an unestablished lord, and helped him become the Old Iron King.
Then, at the very peak of his sire's rule, Sir Alonne set out again, in search of land yet unknown
Toughest piece from this Soulstober yet
    Sir Alonne came to this land from the east, chose to serve an unestablished lord, and helped him become the Old Iron King.
Then, at the very peak of his sire's rule, Sir Alonne set out again, in search of land yet unknown
Toughest piece from this Soulstober yet

    "This knight of Carim does not forgive betrayal. Even a broken woman deserves her dignity..." . Eygon acts like a tough dude but he really cares.. him and Irina's questline is one of the best in the game and honestly all DS3 NPC quests are super solid #soulstober

    "This knight of Carim does not forgive betrayal.
Even a broken woman deserves her dignity..."
Eygon acts like a tough dude but he really cares.. him and Irina's questline is one of the best in the game and honestly all DS3 NPC quests are super solid 
    "This knight of Carim does not forgive betrayal.
Even a broken woman deserves her dignity..."
Eygon acts like a tough dude but he really cares.. him and Irina's questline is one of the best in the game and honestly all DS3 NPC quests are super solid 
    "This knight of Carim does not forgive betrayal.
Even a broken woman deserves her dignity..."
Eygon acts like a tough dude but he really cares.. him and Irina's questline is one of the best in the game and honestly all DS3 NPC quests are super solid 
    "This knight of Carim does not forgive betrayal.
Even a broken woman deserves her dignity..."
Eygon acts like a tough dude but he really cares.. him and Irina's questline is one of the best in the game and honestly all DS3 NPC quests are super solid 

