
    Bacchanal of the Forest God love my dumb evil satyr god and hope you do too, detail shots in thread bc twitter's going to chew up and spit out the resolution on this

    Bacchanal of the Forest God

love my dumb evil satyr god and hope you do too, detail shots in thread bc twitter's going to chew up and spit out the resolution on this
    Bacchanal of the Forest God

love my dumb evil satyr god and hope you do too, detail shots in thread bc twitter's going to chew up and spit out the resolution on this

    I can't believe it's taken me this long, but finally, a concrete ref for Dom so I can stop tormenting people with sketch collections when I commission them

    I can't believe it's taken me this long, but finally, a concrete ref for Dom so I can stop tormenting people with sketch collections when I commission them
    I can't believe it's taken me this long, but finally, a concrete ref for Dom so I can stop tormenting people with sketch collections when I commission them
    I can't believe it's taken me this long, but finally, a concrete ref for Dom so I can stop tormenting people with sketch collections when I commission them

    i drew a bunch of answers to tumblr asks last night

    i drew a bunch of answers to tumblr asks last night
    i drew a bunch of answers to tumblr asks last night
    i drew a bunch of answers to tumblr asks last night

    Battling being super sleepy by drawing these lil goblin premises for Animazement I'm thinking of doing adopt-a-goblin for like...3 to 5 bucks? Whatcha all think of that price

    Battling being super sleepy by drawing these lil goblin premises for Animazement 

I'm thinking of doing adopt-a-goblin for like...3 to 5 bucks? Whatcha all think of that price

    Another highlight

    Another highlight