
    I can't believe it's taken me this long, but finally, a concrete ref for Dom so I can stop tormenting people with sketch collections when I commission them

    I can't believe it's taken me this long, but finally, a concrete ref for Dom so I can stop tormenting people with sketch collections when I commission them
    I can't believe it's taken me this long, but finally, a concrete ref for Dom so I can stop tormenting people with sketch collections when I commission them
    I can't believe it's taken me this long, but finally, a concrete ref for Dom so I can stop tormenting people with sketch collections when I commission them

    i drew a bunch of answers to tumblr asks last night

    i drew a bunch of answers to tumblr asks last night
    i drew a bunch of answers to tumblr asks last night
    i drew a bunch of answers to tumblr asks last night

    Battling being super sleepy by drawing these lil goblin premises for Animazement I'm thinking of doing adopt-a-goblin for like...3 to 5 bucks? Whatcha all think of that price

    Battling being super sleepy by drawing these lil goblin premises for Animazement 

I'm thinking of doing adopt-a-goblin for like...3 to 5 bucks? Whatcha all think of that price

    Another highlight

    Another highlight

    Hell yes I forgot I'd taken photos of my old `sketchbook' (where I pasted/taped cut out sketches from single pages) from when I was like. Eight? Ten? Baby, either way

    Hell yes I forgot I'd taken photos of my old `sketchbook' (where I pasted/taped cut out sketches from single pages) from when I was like. Eight? Ten? Baby, either way
    Hell yes I forgot I'd taken photos of my old `sketchbook' (where I pasted/taped cut out sketches from single pages) from when I was like. Eight? Ten? Baby, either way
    Hell yes I forgot I'd taken photos of my old `sketchbook' (where I pasted/taped cut out sketches from single pages) from when I was like. Eight? Ten? Baby, either way
    Hell yes I forgot I'd taken photos of my old `sketchbook' (where I pasted/taped cut out sketches from single pages) from when I was like. Eight? Ten? Baby, either way