| Contact me | ➛ Email: checkmate96@hotmail.fr ➛ Youtube: https://t.co/r9JXK5Vnmb ➛ Tumblr: https://t.co/XQgu9G7A5B ➛ Commissions: https://t.co/VGRLlyRwco

    | Contact me |

➛ Email: checkmate96@hotmail.fr
➛ Youtube: https://t.co/r9JXK5Vnmb
➛ Tumblr: https://t.co/XQgu9G7A5B
➛ Commissions: https://t.co/VGRLlyRwco
    | Contact me |

➛ Email: checkmate96@hotmail.fr
➛ Youtube: https://t.co/r9JXK5Vnmb
➛ Tumblr: https://t.co/XQgu9G7A5B
➛ Commissions: https://t.co/VGRLlyRwco
    | Contact me |

➛ Email: checkmate96@hotmail.fr
➛ Youtube: https://t.co/r9JXK5Vnmb
➛ Tumblr: https://t.co/XQgu9G7A5B
➛ Commissions: https://t.co/VGRLlyRwco

    Also, here are the art summaries of the past 4 years. What a ride

    Also, here are the art summaries of the past 4 years. What a ride
    Also, here are the art summaries of the past 4 years. What a ride
    Also, here are the art summaries of the past 4 years. What a ride
    Also, here are the art summaries of the past 4 years. What a ride

    I swear I'm slowly getting through these (proof that I am not dead, I actually haven't touched my tablet in a week or so, I just wanted to let you guys know that I am indeed doing these for you guys)

    I swear I'm slowly getting through these (proof that I am not dead, I actually haven't touched my tablet in a week or so, I just wanted to let you guys know that I am indeed doing these for you guys)

    @faeriefountain these are very fun to do

    @faeriefountain these are very fun to do

    J'ai maintenant tout ce qu'il me faut pour Inktober! Il manque juste une reprise en main de mes plumes ... ( ft mon design de Camille )

    J'ai maintenant tout ce qu'il me faut pour Inktober! Il manque juste une reprise en main de mes plumes ... 
( ft mon design de Camille )
    J'ai maintenant tout ce qu'il me faut pour Inktober! Il manque juste une reprise en main de mes plumes ... 
( ft mon design de Camille )