Two weeks ago I made a pencil brush according to this tutorial. It has since replaced all my other pencil brushes and become the only one I draw with!
Finally flying back to Singapore!!! This school year has been too long 'థ◡థ) Here's a WIP while I prep for cosfest hhhhh
A quick lighting tutorial I made for my discord uwu
#FFXIV I wish this happened during the patches :'(
8 years and 900+ pages later, my comic project Memorabilia is complete! I've made some final updates to the project site. You can read the comic here:
how I'm coping with 5.3 #FFXIV
#FFXIV playing endwalker as paladin be like
A simple trick that helped me a lot with lineart!
a smol #HadesGame fancomic... My headcanon is Thanatos being the responsible older brother getting Zag out of scrapes as a kid and during the game he it hits him that his baby boy has become a lean mean killing machine