Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    I've been finishing Vortex Chapter 12... ...and I feel like this has some good meme material somewhere...

    I've been finishing Vortex Chapter 12...

...and I feel like this has some good meme material somewhere...
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    This is currently what I'm doing right now...

    This is currently what I'm doing right now...
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    Good Morning Read Castoff

    Good Morning 

Read Castoff
    Good Morning 

Read Castoff
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    At some point, I just need to shut up about this fandom. It lives rent free in my mind and I just want to kick it out but it keeps coming back uninvited.

    At some point, I just need to shut up about this fandom. It lives rent free in my mind and I just want to kick it out but it keeps coming back uninvited.
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach
