Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    I like getting feedback and criticism. It let's me know what y'all like and dislike about my work. But there are times where I get criticized for things I can't really fix simply because I actually dont really know how and then I become depressed.

    I like getting feedback and criticism. It let's me know what y'all like and dislike about my work.

But there are times where I get criticized for things I can't really fix simply because I actually dont really know how and then I become depressed.
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    Good Morning. This is the worst meme I made yet.

    Good Morning.

This is the worst meme I made yet.
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    You guys don't ever have to worry about bullying me. I generate my own hatred and punishment

    You guys don't ever have to worry about bullying me.

I generate my own hatred and punishment
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    Two dragons discussing what to eat.

    Two dragons discussing what to eat.
    Two dragons discussing what to eat.
    Two dragons discussing what to eat.
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    Good Morning It's only been a few hours and I'm already tired... #NTWEWY #TWEWY #NEOTheWorldEndswithYou

    Good Morning 

It's only been a few hours and I'm already tired... #NTWEWY #TWEWY #NEOTheWorldEndswithYou

