Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    How I think other people draw hands vs how I draw them. It's not a "stylized choice," mom, I'm just lazy and suck at drawing hands.

    How I think other people draw hands vs how I draw them.

It's not a "stylized choice," mom, I'm just lazy and suck at drawing hands.
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    my external hard drive stopped working

    my external hard drive stopped working
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    The more I'm drawing in my comic and in my personal sketch books, the more I notice that the way I draw eyes is almost as inconsistent as the types of brushes I use.

    The more I'm drawing in my comic and in my personal sketch books, the more I notice that the way I draw eyes is almost as inconsistent as the types of brushes I use.
    The more I'm drawing in my comic and in my personal sketch books, the more I notice that the way I draw eyes is almost as inconsistent as the types of brushes I use.
    The more I'm drawing in my comic and in my personal sketch books, the more I notice that the way I draw eyes is almost as inconsistent as the types of brushes I use.
    The more I'm drawing in my comic and in my personal sketch books, the more I notice that the way I draw eyes is almost as inconsistent as the types of brushes I use.
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    Thinking about Vortex but in a visual novel-ish format. So here's a low effort sketch. (I can't draw explosions lol)

    Thinking about Vortex but in a visual novel-ish format.

So here's a low effort sketch. (I can't draw explosions lol)
    Mustard Mustache@Mustard_Mustach

    I want Agent Stone to be a new villain in the future. Not the new Robotnik, just a new villain overall.

    I want Agent Stone to be a new villain in the future.

Not the new Robotnik, just a new villain overall.
    I want Agent Stone to be a new villain in the future.

Not the new Robotnik, just a new villain overall.