miscellaneous ?

    miscellaneous ?
    miscellaneous ?
    miscellaneous ?
    miscellaneous ?

    black eagles stuff ❤️

    black eagles stuff ❤️
    black eagles stuff ❤️

    did the six (12??) character thing; the first suggestions were from instagram, and the second ones were from irl friends ?

    did the six (12??) character thing; the first suggestions were from instagram, and the second ones were from irl friends ?
    did the six (12??) character thing; the first suggestions were from instagram, and the second ones were from irl friends ?

    kinda saw my chart goin around here, so i might as well put up the drawings, too. anyway, josuke and yukako are fraternal twins bc my own twin and i said so! ?

    kinda saw my chart goin around here, so i might as well put up the drawings, too. anyway, josuke and yukako are fraternal twins bc my own twin and i said so! ?
    kinda saw my chart goin around here, so i might as well put up the drawings, too. anyway, josuke and yukako are fraternal twins bc my own twin and i said so! ?
    kinda saw my chart goin around here, so i might as well put up the drawings, too. anyway, josuke and yukako are fraternal twins bc my own twin and i said so! ?

    some pb doodles from my lunch break cuz a kid convinced our painting teacher to completely skip part 1 in zoom class yesterday and uh.... i dont. i dunno.. i just kinda miss them yknow ?

    some pb doodles from my lunch break cuz a kid convinced our painting teacher to completely skip part 1 in zoom class yesterday and uh.... i dont. i dunno.. i just kinda miss them yknow ?