Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (1/6) Elana seems like a high roll deck, but even if you don't have elana on turn 4/5 you have the tools to survive until you draw her. Run olivia and hold out as long as you can while spamming zoe healing and praying to god.

    (1/6) Elana seems like a high roll deck, but even if you don't have elana on turn 4/5 you have the tools to survive until you draw her. Run olivia and hold out as long as you can while spamming zoe healing and praying to god.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (2/6) De la fille is incredibly important to this deck. If you don't draw her you'll usually lose against 90% of the meta. Artifact, technolord, mirror, etc. Because of this I like to keep her during the mulligan phase so she doesn't get lost in the bottom half of my deck.

    (2/6) De la fille is incredibly important to this deck. If you don't draw her you'll usually lose against 90% of the meta. Artifact, technolord, mirror, etc. Because of this I like to keep her during the mulligan phase so she doesn't get lost in the bottom half of my deck.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (3/6) Aegis alt wincon is fake news. 90% of the time you won't even get it in your hand, and 90% of the times you do you won't be ahead enough to play it. I basically use limonia only for cost reduction and olivia synergy. Don't forgo better plays just to try and get aegis down.

    (3/6) Aegis alt wincon is fake news. 90% of the time you won't even get it in your hand, and 90% of the times you do you won't be ahead enough to play it. I basically use limonia only for cost reduction and olivia synergy. Don't forgo better plays just to try and get aegis down.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (4/6) Olivia is wonderful. Run her. They'll never see the surprise kel/elana coming. As a matter of fact she's great with zoe and literally the whole deck. If you're behind in tempo, she'll catch you up. If you're ahead, you'll be ahead even more. It'll be their last surprise.

    (4/6) Olivia is wonderful. Run her. They'll never see the surprise kel/elana coming. As a matter of fact she's great with zoe and literally the whole deck. If you're behind in tempo, she'll catch you up. If you're ahead, you'll be ahead even more. It'll be their last surprise.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (5/6) Know when to play and when to hold your repair modes. Against blood keep one backup for an eachtar on turn 8 to clear a calamity. But sometimes against mecha you want to go all in to survive technolord.

    (5/6) Know when to play and when to hold your repair modes. Against blood keep one backup for an eachtar on turn 8 to clear a calamity. But sometimes against mecha you want to go all in to survive technolord.