Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (4/6) Olivia is wonderful. Run her. They'll never see the surprise kel/elana coming. As a matter of fact she's great with zoe and literally the whole deck. If you're behind in tempo, she'll catch you up. If you're ahead, you'll be ahead even more. It'll be their last surprise.

    (4/6) Olivia is wonderful. Run her. They'll never see the surprise kel/elana coming. As a matter of fact she's great with zoe and literally the whole deck. If you're behind in tempo, she'll catch you up. If you're ahead, you'll be ahead even more. It'll be their last surprise.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (5/6) Know when to play and when to hold your repair modes. Against blood keep one backup for an eachtar on turn 8 to clear a calamity. But sometimes against mecha you want to go all in to survive technolord.

    (5/6) Know when to play and when to hold your repair modes. Against blood keep one backup for an eachtar on turn 8 to clear a calamity. But sometimes against mecha you want to go all in to survive technolord.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (6/6) Sometimes it's better to play kel instead of elana on turn 4/5. If you think an azazel/tetra is coming, clear the board with kel and force a bad trade for them. This is pretty situational though, and you'll likely only want to do it if you're going second.

    (6/6) Sometimes it's better to play kel instead of elana on turn 4/5. If you think an azazel/tetra is coming, clear the board with kel and force a bad trade for them. This is pretty situational though, and you'll likely only want to do it if you're going second.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    @KoEngineers "You ain't no air fighter, mac!" "You are an air fighter, vampy!"

    @KoEngineers "You ain't no air fighter, mac!"

"You are an air fighter, vampy!"
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    One of the stranger thoughts I've had.

    One of the stranger thoughts I've had.
    One of the stranger thoughts I've had.