Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (5/6) Know when to play and when to hold your repair modes. Against blood keep one backup for an eachtar on turn 8 to clear a calamity. But sometimes against mecha you want to go all in to survive technolord.

    (5/6) Know when to play and when to hold your repair modes. Against blood keep one backup for an eachtar on turn 8 to clear a calamity. But sometimes against mecha you want to go all in to survive technolord.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    (6/6) Sometimes it's better to play kel instead of elana on turn 4/5. If you think an azazel/tetra is coming, clear the board with kel and force a bad trade for them. This is pretty situational though, and you'll likely only want to do it if you're going second.

    (6/6) Sometimes it's better to play kel instead of elana on turn 4/5. If you think an azazel/tetra is coming, clear the board with kel and force a bad trade for them. This is pretty situational though, and you'll likely only want to do it if you're going second.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    @KoEngineers "You ain't no air fighter, mac!" "You are an air fighter, vampy!"

    @KoEngineers "You ain't no air fighter, mac!"

"You are an air fighter, vampy!"
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    One of the stranger thoughts I've had.

    One of the stranger thoughts I've had.
    One of the stranger thoughts I've had.
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    @YAMADAnoLUNA (sorry I don't know japanese so I just used google translate lol)

    @YAMADAnoLUNA (sorry I don't know japanese so I just used google translate lol)