Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    get ready for something Christmas related every single day until Christmas (but they probably won't be this detailed) I call this "Christmas dinner with control sword" featuring Frontguard, Albert, White paladin, jeno, luminous mage, and roland

    get ready for something Christmas related every single day until Christmas (but they probably won't be this detailed)

I call this "Christmas dinner with control sword" featuring Frontguard, Albert, White paladin, jeno, luminous mage, and roland
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    @toynanaka He got a dog bowl :v

    @toynanaka He got a dog bowl :v
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    Sorry I can't be consistent with the quality I call this "Santa(?)'s coming to Storm Ramp" featuring Zeus, Aiela, Phoenix Rider Aina, Eyfa, Genesis Dragon (kind of), and forte (kind of)

    Sorry I can't be consistent with the quality

I call this "Santa(?)'s coming to Storm Ramp" featuring Zeus, Aiela, Phoenix Rider Aina, Eyfa, Genesis Dragon (kind of), and forte (kind of)
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    This series is slowly becoming a descent of quality as I realize I'm not that talented I call this "I want ancient elf to pat my head as I fall asleep" featuring Elf Child May, Ancient Elf, and Lyrial/Forte (kind of)

    This series is slowly becoming a descent of quality as I realize I'm not that talented

I call this "I want ancient elf to pat my head as I fall asleep" featuring Elf Child May, Ancient Elf, and Lyrial/Forte (kind of)
    Dork Dragoon@dorkdragoon

    I got a couple more to make up for everything. I call this "the Nephthys household" featuring nepnep, mordecai, khawy, skull beast, and immortal thane with two wights

    I got a couple more to make up for everything.

I call this "the Nephthys household" featuring nepnep, mordecai, khawy, skull beast, and immortal thane with two wights