Mazzuchelli not only drawing each character in a specific style but gives each character a unique font and word balloon is pretty inspiring and really affects the "voice" of each character. From Asterios Polyp. Does it take Anyone out of the story? Too distracting?

    Mazzuchelli not only drawing each character in a specific style but gives each character a unique font and word balloon is pretty inspiring and really affects the "voice" of each character. From Asterios Polyp.

Does it take Anyone out of the story? Too distracting?
    Mazzuchelli not only drawing each character in a specific style but gives each character a unique font and word balloon is pretty inspiring and really affects the "voice" of each character. From Asterios Polyp.

Does it take Anyone out of the story? Too distracting?
    Mazzuchelli not only drawing each character in a specific style but gives each character a unique font and word balloon is pretty inspiring and really affects the "voice" of each character. From Asterios Polyp.

Does it take Anyone out of the story? Too distracting?
    Mazzuchelli not only drawing each character in a specific style but gives each character a unique font and word balloon is pretty inspiring and really affects the "voice" of each character. From Asterios Polyp.

Does it take Anyone out of the story? Too distracting?

    I love this comic so much (From Tom Strong's Terrific Tales #4)

    I love this comic so much (From Tom Strong's Terrific Tales #4)
    I love this comic so much (From Tom Strong's Terrific Tales #4)
    I love this comic so much (From Tom Strong's Terrific Tales #4)

    One of the big reasons that Asterios Polyp works so well for me is that Mazzucchelli sets his thesis up from the jump. Creates what @HassanOE & @thingsbydan called setting the baseline of the narrative. Incredibly smart choices made in this book

    One of the big reasons that Asterios Polyp works so well for me is that Mazzucchelli sets his thesis up from the jump. Creates what @HassanOE & @thingsbydan called setting the baseline of the narrative. Incredibly smart choices made in this book
    One of the big reasons that Asterios Polyp works so well for me is that Mazzucchelli sets his thesis up from the jump. Creates what @HassanOE & @thingsbydan called setting the baseline of the narrative. Incredibly smart choices made in this book
    One of the big reasons that Asterios Polyp works so well for me is that Mazzucchelli sets his thesis up from the jump. Creates what @HassanOE & @thingsbydan called setting the baseline of the narrative. Incredibly smart choices made in this book

    We are seeing the world through Asterios's eyes-which justifies Mazz's choices. Brilliantly layered storytelling

    We are seeing the world through Asterios's eyes-which justifies Mazz's choices. Brilliantly layered storytelling
    We are seeing the world through Asterios's eyes-which justifies Mazz's choices. Brilliantly layered storytelling

    Gil Kane on Dan Spiegel's work: "(Spiegel's)organizing of a picture is probably the finest demonstration I have ever seen of a guy dealing in spatial relationships. And on top of that, he can create a three dimensional scene" Proof:

    Gil Kane on Dan Spiegel's work:

"(Spiegel's)organizing of a picture is probably the finest demonstration I have ever seen of a guy dealing in spatial relationships. And on top of that, he can create a three dimensional scene"
    Gil Kane on Dan Spiegel's work:

"(Spiegel's)organizing of a picture is probably the finest demonstration I have ever seen of a guy dealing in spatial relationships. And on top of that, he can create a three dimensional scene"
    Gil Kane on Dan Spiegel's work:

"(Spiegel's)organizing of a picture is probably the finest demonstration I have ever seen of a guy dealing in spatial relationships. And on top of that, he can create a three dimensional scene"
    Gil Kane on Dan Spiegel's work:

"(Spiegel's)organizing of a picture is probably the finest demonstration I have ever seen of a guy dealing in spatial relationships. And on top of that, he can create a three dimensional scene"