I think about what @KevinNowlan wrote here about Toth whenever I feel the need to cheat a little on a panel.

    I think about what @KevinNowlan wrote here about Toth whenever I feel the need to cheat a little on a panel.
    I think about what @KevinNowlan wrote here about Toth whenever I feel the need to cheat a little on a panel.
    I think about what @KevinNowlan wrote here about Toth whenever I feel the need to cheat a little on a panel.

    Sketch vs Final panel #makingcomics

    Sketch vs Final panel 
    Sketch vs Final panel 

    Can't let Toth's Birthday go by without some gushing. Some panels from the BRAVO FOR ADVENTURE. Look at the light in the first panel, the way that the light bounces up off the desk and half way up his suit. Brilliant

    Can't let Toth's Birthday go by without some gushing. Some panels from the BRAVO FOR ADVENTURE. Look at the light in the first panel, the way that the light bounces up off the desk and half way up his suit. Brilliant
    Can't let Toth's Birthday go by without some gushing. Some panels from the BRAVO FOR ADVENTURE. Look at the light in the first panel, the way that the light bounces up off the desk and half way up his suit. Brilliant
    Can't let Toth's Birthday go by without some gushing. Some panels from the BRAVO FOR ADVENTURE. Look at the light in the first panel, the way that the light bounces up off the desk and half way up his suit. Brilliant

    Real artists don't use phot reference Caniff:

    Real artists don't use phot reference 

    Real artists don't use phot reference 

    Real artists don't use phot reference 


    What's an example of great lettering in a comic? Where the story/art/letters were all synced up and lettering enhanced the reading experience? Off the top of my head

    What's an example of great lettering in a comic? Where the story/art/letters were all synced up and lettering enhanced the reading experience? 
Off the top of my head
    What's an example of great lettering in a comic? Where the story/art/letters were all synced up and lettering enhanced the reading experience? 
Off the top of my head
    What's an example of great lettering in a comic? Where the story/art/letters were all synced up and lettering enhanced the reading experience? 
Off the top of my head