
    read "bread and circuses" by peterpandemic please and thank you (obvious spoilers for last chapter)

    read "bread and circuses" by peterpandemic please and thank you 
(obvious spoilers for last chapter)
    read "bread and circuses" by peterpandemic please and thank you 
(obvious spoilers for last chapter)

    tbh I dunno if I wanna continue this one, it feels a bit too generic

    tbh I dunno if I wanna continue this one, it feels a bit too generic

    QRT with your range! https://t.co/Mu03YhT9RG

    QRT with your range! https://t.co/Mu03YhT9RG
    QRT with your range! https://t.co/Mu03YhT9RG
    QRT with your range! https://t.co/Mu03YhT9RG
    QRT with your range! https://t.co/Mu03YhT9RG

    дописала практику, чувствую себя че-то не оч

    дописала практику, чувствую себя че-то не оч

    commission slots for august and september are open, check replies to this tweet to see if all of them are taken please send what type of commission you want when taking a slot: katalean.pev@gmail.com

    commission slots for august and september are open, check replies to this tweet to see if all of them are taken

please send what type of commission you want when taking a slot: katalean.pev@gmail.com
    commission slots for august and september are open, check replies to this tweet to see if all of them are taken

please send what type of commission you want when taking a slot: katalean.pev@gmail.com
    commission slots for august and september are open, check replies to this tweet to see if all of them are taken

please send what type of commission you want when taking a slot: katalean.pev@gmail.com