As previously mentioned in Japanese, I would like to note that the real Mari wears a ribbon tie with her uniform, while the dream Mari wears a neckerchief. Her ribbon tie falls in the middle of the lake in the outskirts, and when you pick it up, something appears
Fall guys 感動しちゃった… #Fallguys
Fallguys中の感情4選です #Fallguys
Ragatha and Mari #TheAmazingDigitalCircus #OMORI
Fall guys ゴール前でこっち向いてるやついるだけでもう嫌な予感する #Fallguys
Fall guys このゲームはじめてからたぶん50年分の「さわんな」言った #Fallguys
Fall guys シーソー中に思うこと #Fallguys