
    Guess what I found in my folder? That's right, Angst, OOOOOH

    Guess what I found in my folder?

That's right, Angst, OOOOOH

    I'm amazed at how many masochists want to see drama in this au, haha. First Raine and now them, i want to be the joke and you want angst, my gosh- And yes, Ada takes the dubious prize for being the first to be rejected by Regina.

    I'm amazed at how many masochists want to see drama in this au, haha. First Raine and now them, i want to be the joke and you want angst, my gosh-

And yes, Ada takes the dubious prize for being the first to be rejected by Regina.

    Clean this was harder than i expected... Mostly because i lost the file's name, hahaha. It's called *insert keyboard strokes* jkasjkjdakksdasd... Sorry

    Clean this was harder than i expected... Mostly because i lost the file's name, hahaha.  It's called *insert keyboard strokes* jkasjkjdakksdasd... Sorry

    To those of you who follow me and are older, do you still like Christmas? The truth is that as I've gotten older I've lost the charm and I feel totally disconnected from the festivity.... Like New Year's, sometimes I feel that there is no difference from one day to another.

    To those of you who follow me and are older, do you still like Christmas? The truth is that as I've gotten older I've lost the charm and I feel totally disconnected from the festivity.... Like New Year's, sometimes I feel that there is no difference from one day to another.

    When people ask me how same gender couples can have children in my au:

    When people ask me how same gender couples can have children in my au:

