Here have some old ass Free! Olympics art I drew like seven years ago to commemorate today

    Here have some old ass Free! Olympics art I drew like seven years ago to commemorate today
    Here have some old ass Free! Olympics art I drew like seven years ago to commemorate today

    I'm reposting this redraw I did last year because dammit I think it's funny

    I'm reposting this redraw I did last year because dammit I think it's funny
    I'm reposting this redraw I did last year because dammit I think it's funny

    They really said "we must make his ass Front And Center"

    They really said "we must make his ass Front And Center"

    Belial upon taking the Avatar core, thinking he's gonna be awesome and useful for once in his creator's eyes, but then immediately hearing Lucifer's disembodied voice and knowing it'll just be there forever now:

    Belial upon taking the Avatar core, thinking he's gonna be awesome and useful for once in his creator's eyes, but then immediately hearing Lucifer's disembodied voice and knowing it'll just be there forever now:

    It's gonna happen i just know SSR Elmott is upon us

    It's gonna happen i just know SSR Elmott is upon us