
    Saw ppl wondering why don't Gofushi sits together. In the manga the block(?) is only big enough for one person. There's also another seat available (bottom left), and Satoru still decides to sit on the cold hard floor~

    Saw ppl wondering why don't Gofushi sits together.
In the manga the block(?) is only big enough for one person. There's also another seat available (bottom left), and Satoru still decides to sit on the cold hard floor~
    Saw ppl wondering why don't Gofushi sits together.
In the manga the block(?) is only big enough for one person. There's also another seat available (bottom left), and Satoru still decides to sit on the cold hard floor~
    Saw ppl wondering why don't Gofushi sits together.
In the manga the block(?) is only big enough for one person. There's also another seat available (bottom left), and Satoru still decides to sit on the cold hard floor~

    Doodle My attempt to analysis Megumi's hair it's sooo ? difficult to draw

My attempt to analysis Megumi's hair it's sooo ? difficult to draw

    Start analyzing Gojo's hairstyle and...??? So he and Megumi are basically like, a large white urchin raised a little black urchin?? Wait is it Gojo's fault that Megumi picked a hairstyle that's so hard to draw??? ? #JujustuKaisen

    Start analyzing Gojo's hairstyle and...???
So he and Megumi are basically like, a large white urchin raised a little black urchin?? Wait is it Gojo's fault that Megumi picked a hairstyle that's so hard to draw??? ?
    Start analyzing Gojo's hairstyle and...???
So he and Megumi are basically like, a large white urchin raised a little black urchin?? Wait is it Gojo's fault that Megumi picked a hairstyle that's so hard to draw??? ?

    Sukuna's vow: when I chant "契闊" I will take control for 1min. I won't kill but you`ll forgot about this vow. *He can't kill only when he took over bc he chant 契闊, if he appears due to other reasons (power burst of new fingers/ Yuji let him etc) he doesn't need to follow this.

    Sukuna's vow: when I chant "契闊" I will take control for 1min. I won't kill but you`ll forgot about this vow.
*He can't kill only when he took over bc he chant 契闊, if he appears due to other reasons (power burst of new fingers/ Yuji let him etc) he doesn't need to follow this.

    Trying to rationalize the reason behind Megumi's unrippable clothing... slight #gofushi #五伏

    #gofushi#五伏 五伏
    Trying to rationalize the reason behind Megumi's unrippable clothing...
slight #gofushi #五伏

