
    Okie another one *facepalm* Across all age, gender, and species..

    Okie another one *facepalm*
Across all age, gender, and species..

    #jjkcrumbs #gofushi Speaking of the ❤, another thing that's really sweet but didn't get translated- When Gojo said "nothing (nvm)" to Megumi, he's using the same sentence Megumi used to interrupt him when they first met. This was 9 years ago. Same line, now with a ❤️ "別に❤️"

    #jjkcrumbs #gofushi
Speaking of the ❤, another thing that's really sweet but didn't get translated-
When Gojo said "nothing (nvm)" to Megumi, he's using the same sentence Megumi used to interrupt him when they first met.
This was 9 years ago. Same line, now with a ❤️
    #jjkcrumbs #gofushi
Speaking of the ❤, another thing that's really sweet but didn't get translated-
When Gojo said "nothing (nvm)" to Megumi, he's using the same sentence Megumi used to interrupt him when they first met.
This was 9 years ago. Same line, now with a ❤️

    btw another evidence Megumi's been raised by Gojo (?) Tsk, rich kid

    btw another evidence Megumi's been raised by Gojo (?)
Tsk, rich kid
    btw another evidence Megumi's been raised by Gojo (?)
Tsk, rich kid
    btw another evidence Megumi's been raised by Gojo (?)
Tsk, rich kid

    Megumi - I look like I may kick a baby bird but I actually love animals - Fushiguro san with his puppy mug and expensive bread

    Megumi - I look like I may kick a baby bird but I actually love animals - Fushiguro san
with his puppy mug and expensive bread

    random practice which if I don't say it no one would know it's manga Yuta and Megumi from a year ago

    random practice which if I don't say it no one would know it's manga Yuta and Megumi from a year ago

