
    New JJK wallpaper

    New JJK wallpaper
    New JJK wallpaper

    the sound affect here means Satoru's aggressively petting Megumi, just like how you'd rubbing your pets to annoying them/get their attention lol

    the sound affect here means Satoru's aggressively petting Megumi, just like how you'd rubbing your pets to annoying them/get their attention lol

    Apparently here the passerby's talking in a regional language from central/west part of Japan, ie. not how ppl speak around Tokyo That tells us gfs are out of province, somewhere far-far away from home Good job with all the little details Gege😇

    Apparently here the passerby's talking in a regional language from central/west part of Japan, ie. not how ppl speak around Tokyo
That tells us gfs are out of province, somewhere far-far away from home
Good job with all the little details Gege😇

    Here, better translation: You might become popular? So he's not just saying "She", but also others, someone else might easily fall for Megumi (are you saying "'I' might fall for you" :D?)

    Here, better translation: You might become popular?
So he's not just saying "She", but also others, someone else might easily fall for Megumi 

(are you saying "'I' might fall for you" :D?)
    Here, better translation: You might become popular?
So he's not just saying "She", but also others, someone else might easily fall for Megumi 

(are you saying "'I' might fall for you" :D?)

    " It is all fate. I always believe, that one day we will meet again. Little by little In order to become someone that's worthy to stand by your side- " Note the background is Gojo and Megumi (Maybe, it's also something Megumi wants to tell Gojo)

It is all fate.
I always believe, that one day we will meet again.
Little by little
In order to become someone that's worthy to stand by your side-

Note the background is Gojo and Megumi
(Maybe, it's also something Megumi wants to tell Gojo)

